Friday, 14th March, 2025

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Rovers hoping for big turnout of fans for last game of the season

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Rovers hoping for big turnout of fans for last game of the season

Sligo Rovers are asking supporters to make a special effort to attend the last game of the season against Wexford Youths on Friday and are asking season ticket holders, where possible, to consider paying in at the gate.

The Club hopes that this game will see Rovers finish off the season strongly in the top half of the table. Rovers faced into this season confronted by serious challenges both on and off the field; the team had to be completely rebuilt against the backdrop of a major financial overhang from the previous season.  While the scale of the challenge was daunting the Club set out to in a measured and determined way to consolidate its position knowing that perseverance and patience would be required to achieve its ambitions.

Chairman Martin Heraghty paid tribute to supporters for their tremendous response in so many ways throughout the season and asked as many as possible to attend the last game. “We want to be in a position financially to continue rebuilding and enable the squad to be improved even further next season so that we can be competing at the top of the table. The bigger the attendance at Friday week’s game the better for the club as it faces what will be an even more competitive league next season.  The request to season ticket holders to pay in where possible is an exceptional step given the particularly difficult financial circumstances this year."

Honorary Treasurer David Rowe said that the club has acted in a very prudent way to address the financial deficit while balancing the need to support the building of a squad capable of achieving the ambitions we all share for Rovers. “We have managed to stabilise our finances this season but dealing with the deficit has been very challenging and we want to move into next season working off a better financial platform. We are at the stage of the season where finances have become tight. The debt carried forward from last year presented a huge challenge that has been largely overcome thanks to the great support received throughout the season. We want to avoid compromising next years’ squad building by not carrying forward excessive debt, one last push would help enormously.”


The Club will hold its first ever Gala Awards Night on Saturday 29 October in the Clarion Hotel.  This event is intended to give all associated with Rovers- supporters, friends, families, management and players- an opportunity to enjoy an evening together socially at the end of the season. Tickets are available from the Club.

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