Thursday, 13th March, 2025

Coolaney/Mullinabreena GAA Club Notes

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Coolaney/Mullinabreena GAA Club Notes

The annual Christmas concert will take place on Saturday 17th December in St. Nathy's Hall. It promises to be a great night.

The county final of Scor na Nog will take place on Saturday 26th November at 6pm, in Ballintogher Community Hall. The competition includes solo singing, ceili dancing, Recitation / Story telling, Novelty Act/ Dramatic presentation, music group and Ballad Group. The quiz final will take place in the New Year.

Anyone interested in coaching a team next year should contact Coaching Officer Patricia Gorman, as attendence at Foundation course and Code of Ethics course is required.

The Club AGM will take place on Sunday 4th December at 6pm, in St. Nathy's Hall. All members, old and new are welcome to attend.


The October Lotto draw took place recently. Numbers drawn were 1,18,19 & 25. Congrats to Sylvia Gormalley who matched 3 numbers and won E200. The jackpot now stands at E4,400.

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