Thursday, 13th March, 2025

Coolaney/Mullinabreena GAA Club Notes

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Coolaney/Mullinabreena GAA Club Notes

The Club AGM will take place on Sunday 4th December at 6pm in St. Nathy's Hall. New members are always welcome.

The Annual Christmas concert will take place on Saturday 17th December in St Nathy's Hall. It promises to  be a great night with plenty of song, dance and comedy from local artists.

Well done to the following who represented the club in scor na nog on Saturday evening last in Ballintogher. Music group – Aoife Johnson, Hanna Lee, Ciara Lee, Sinead Johnson and Conor Johnson. Solo singing – Jenny Cregg. The Quiz will take place at a venue and time to be confirmed in January.

We extend sympathy to the Benson family Chaffpool, on the death of Kathleen.  Ar dheis De go raibh a anam.

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