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Education about drink driving working in the North West

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Education about drink driving working in the North West

The road safety officer with Leitrim County Council believes educating young drivers about the dangers of drink driving seems to be working.

It comes as just 55 people were arrested for drink driving offences in the North West over the Christmas period at the end of 2016.

Figures released by the Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald show that almost 1,000 people were arrested nationwide between December 1 and January 8th.



The Sligo/Leitrim Garda division had the lowest number of arrests for drivers suspected of drink driving outside of Dublin.

Just 20 people were arrested in the region between the beginning of December and January 8th.

The lowest numbers nationally were recorded in the Dublin metropolitan area with 12 in the east region and 15 in the south-central region.

Donegal saw 35 people arrested on suspicion of drink driving over the Christmas period just gone while Cavan-Monaghan had one of the highest figures with 48 arrests.


Figuers in today's Irish Times show that 961 motorists were arrested on suspicion of drink driving during the Christmas and new year period, a significant increase on the previous year's total of 576.

Joanna Daly is the road safety officer with Leitrim County Council and she welcomed the news.

Speaking to Ocean FM she says the message about the dangers of drink driving is obviously getting through to people in the county.

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