Judge orders Sligo soup kitchen and shop to close

A District Cout judge has ordered today that a charity soup kitchen and shop in Sligo town be closed down.

It’s the Twist Soup Kitchen on High Street and a charity shop in Quay Street which helps fund the kitchen.

Judge Kevin Kilrane ordered both be closed as a result of a prosecution brought by the Charities Regulator.

Galway native Oliver Williams, who set up the soup kitchen and shop, was prosecuted for allegedly operating an unregistered charity.

Mr Williams has opened a number of Twist soup kitchens in other parts of the country; they take their name from Charles Dickens’s child pauper character Oliver Twist.

Solicior Mr Tom MacSharry, on behalf of Mr Williams, asked that the case be adjourned.

Barrister Donal Keane, on behalf of the Charities Regulatory Authority objected, saying his client had serious concerns about the operation.

Mr MacSharry then pleaded for the soup kitchen be left open.

He told the Judge it provides a much-needed service for those who are less well off.

About 40 people visit the soup kitchen every day.

However, Judge Kilrane ordered both soup kitchen and shop be closed immediately, and adjourned the case to this day week.

