Wednesday, 12th March, 2025

Calls for action by farming groups in North West

mike.kelly -
Calls for action by farming groups in North West

The Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association is calling for action on outstanding action on Glas payments.

The issue has been raised a number of times over the past few weeks but has reached crisis point according to the INHFA which is based out of Tubbercurry in county Sligo.

It's national chair Sligo farmer Vincent Roddy says that over 6000 farmers have still not been paid almost 6 months on.

He is calling for the oireachtas committee on Agriculture to raise the issue as a matter of urgency with the Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed



In other farm news

There are calls for the locally led Hen Harrier scheme to be funded.

A conservation effort is underway to protect the hen harrier and the pearl mussel.


There are hen harriers in parts of the north west and the pearl mussel is present on waterways including Lough Eske and on a special area of conservation west of Ardara in Donegal.

While there is no progress on the pearl mussel project, the IFA is hoping that an allocation will be made for the hen harrier scheme.

Pat Dunne is the IFA's Hill Committee Chairman and he says the funding must benefit farmers:

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