National 4ball inter club match.
Best of luck to our National 4ball inter club team captained by Niall Walsh who play this coming Saturday. Next up for the lads is a Connaght Semifinal at home in Castledargan against the East Zone winners Mountbellew Golf Club. The match starts at 2pm so if your free come out and support the lads.
Club Competitions.
Winner of the Mercedes Sligo sponsored competition on 8/9/10 of June was Ciaran Cryan with a score of 35pts. Winner of the golfer of the year event also sponsored by Mercedes Sligo held on Sunday 11th June was Fergal McLoughlin, second was Kevin McCarthy and third was Brendan Deignan. Next weekend sponsors are on 22/23/24 Hendersons motorpark and is open stableford and on Sunday by McCanny & Co Solicitors and is a golfer of the year event.
Last weekends sponsors were on 15/16/17 Stanfords village inn and and on Sunday 18th by Envest Environmental. Results in next weeks notes.
Castle Dargan Golf Club Notes
