Friday, 14th March, 2025

Castle Dargan Golf Club Notes

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Castle Dargan Golf Club Notes

National 4ball inter club
On Saturday last our National 4ball inter club team captained by Niall Walsh were in action in the Connaght semifinal of the competition against the east zone winners Mountbellew Golf Club. The pairing for the match was first up at home Tony Wasyalocha and Martin Burke, second out was Adrian McGoldrick and Donal McLoughlin and last out Alan Taffee and Andy Kearns. Away first out was Alan Martin and Eugene Carroll and second was Aiden McGoldrick and Paul McGonigle. Again this week it was a slow start for Castledargan with Martin and Tony 1 down after 3, Adrian and Donal a/s after 3 and Alan and Andy 1 down after 5. Away it was something similar with both pairs going 3 down in their matches. Alan and Eugene having a hole in one against them to contend with. Back home the lads had warmed up and started playing good golf and getting their noses in front Martin and Tony 2 up after 8, Adrian and Donal also 2up after 8 and Alan and Andy 2 up after 10. Away the first match were up against it and Mountbellew won the point. In the second match away Paul and Aiden from 3 down got their match to a/s after 17.  Back in Castledargan at the business end the lads turned it on and Martin and Tony won the first point with a 4and 3 win. Soon followed by a point from Adrian and Donal with a 4and2 win. And the winning point came when Andy sank his par putt on 15 the give him and Alan a 5and 3 win. Well done to all involved from everyone at the club and next up a Connaght Final against Ballina golf club. More details about the final matches in the coming notes.
Club competitions
Winners of the competition on 18 Jun sponsored by Envest Environmental was Sean Carroll with a superb score of 43pts playing off 3. Second was Kevin Conlon. Last weekend sponsored were Hendersons Motorpark and McCanny & Co. Solicitors. Results in next weeks notes. Next weekend sponsors are on 29/30/1 Jun/Jul by Barton Smiths and is a Open competition and on Sunday 2nd is our Presidents' Day so contact the golf shop for a tee time.
Ulster Boys
Congrats to club member Patrick Callaghan who came fourth in the Ulster Boys under16s last week.

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