New tax relief proposals for publicans could lead to job losses for taxi-drivers according to owner of Sligo transport firm

Government proposals to introduce tax breaks for pub owners who drop their customers home could lead to job losses in the local taxi industry.

That’s according to the owner of a Sligo based taxi firm, Daithi Feehily of Feehily’s Taxi, Bus and Coach Hire in Sligo.

Tourism Minister Brendan Griffin this week, confirmed he is looking into a number of measures including tax relief in the areas of Vehicle Registration Tax and fuel for publicans who bring their customers home after closing time.

The measures are being considered ahead of the expected passing of Minister for Transport, Shane Ross’ drink-drink driving bill which would see anyone caught over the limit serve a three month ban.

However, speaking on North West Today, Daithi Feehily said such a move would have an adverse affect on the taxi industry.
