Cara Bundoran 2018 a huge success
- International John Travers, Donore Harriers, and Teresa McGloin, Finn Valley win Cara Bundoran 10mile titles
- Friday nights 5k - 583 finishers under the lights and in calm springlike conditions
- Saturdays 10mile/10k - 1,900 finishers in 'trying' conditions
- Sundays 21 TT Cycle - 62 finishers in ideal sunny conditions
- The event in its 8th year has grown and expanded annually to become the top road running fixture in the NWest -- over 2,500 finishers /2018
- Cara Pharmacies main sponsors and managing director Canice Nicholas,partners Tir Chonaill AC and numerus local volunteers responsible for the success of the event
- Deserving charities have benefited to over €100,000 - this years charities St Agnes Day Centre, Alzheimer's Society and Irish Heart Foundation
- A selection of photographs atttached
- Where did you finish check out

