Wednesday, 12th March, 2025

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Arts House Podcast : Tradroque the new music genre combining elements of Irish Trad and Baroque!

Barbara Rose -
Arts House Podcast : Tradroque the new music genre combining elements of Irish Trad and Baroque!

Listen back to this podcast of Arts House, Barbara-Rose speaks with Marie Byrne who is the director of the Hawkswell Theatre and violinist for Sligo's Baroque Orchestra. She tells about this exciting contemporary genre of music which combines elements of Irish Traditional Music and Baroque, her memories of playing with the late Uilleann master Liam O'Flynn and the Tradroque concert coming to the Hawkswell Theatre Thursday 12th April.

On Thursday the 12th of April, the Hawk’s Well Theatre presents Tradroque – a juxtaposition of Irish traditional and baroque music traditions featuring Sligo Baroque Orchestra and an ensemble of traditional musicians including Michael Rooney on harp, Liam Kelly on flute, Leonard Barry on pipes, John Joe Kelly on bodhrán and Seamie O’Dowd on guitar.

Barbara Rose -