Friday, 14th March, 2025

Kilcar GAA Club Notes

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Kilcar GAA Club Notes

Our seniors were defeated in Towney last Thursday evening by Glenswilly while the Reserve match takes place this Saturday at 2pm.Comisserations to Donegal senior footballers following their defeat to Tyrone on Sunday and congratulations to Donegal Ladies on their win in the All Ireland Quarter Final on Saturday.

Ladies Board

With the success of our Under 12 girls blitz we are now entering a girls Under 13 team for competition. Anyone who would like to manage or help out please text name to Caroline 0872696803 before Friday 10th August possible start date is Saturday 25th August. Our senior ladies travel to MacCumhaills on Sundaymorning in the league.



Well done to all our Under 8's who played at the Tomas McGuire Tournament in Ardara on Saturday where they won the A Trophy and thank you to CLG Ard an Ratha for a great day enjoyed by all. Our Under 14s host St Michaels in the championship in Towney this Friday at 7pm in their opening group match.

Club Gear

Club gear on sale in Áislann Chill Chartha with adult and kid’s club home jerseys, half zip tops, polo shirts, bobble hats, jackets, hoodies, stickers, shorts, DVDs etc

FREE Mobile CLG Chill Chartha Club App


We have 250 members on our FREE mobile app if you would like to sign up just follow these steps to download your free team App for CLG Chill Chartha. 1. On your phone or iPad go to the app store 2. Search for Team App 3. Install Team App to your phone 4. Search for CLG Chill Chartha 5. Log in and register for the CLG Chill Chartha Club app. 6. You will receive an email notification when you are added you to the system.


There was no winner of the Club Lotto Jackpot so next week’s Jackpot is €8,400 this week’s numbers were 9, 14, 21 and 25 this week’s winners were: €50 Terry Lee, Main Street €30 Sandra Cannon, Keenaghan €20 Paul Rafferty, Drimreagh and Christina Curran, Carrick Lower.

Bingo Results

There was no winner of the Jackpot so it’s now €7,600 on 45 numbers; Club Bingo is on in The Parish Hall on Sunday nights at 8:30pm thanks to all who continue to support our Bingo! This week’s winners were:  €80 Catherine Johnston €75 Ann Lowther, Charles McLaughlin €70 John Cunningham, Mary T Byrne, Marie Doogan, Anna Cannon, Francis Cunningham, Carmel Ellis, Marie Boyle, Christine Curran and Margaret Byrne.

For the latest news visit our website you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter at and @KilcarGAA you can also follow us on Instagram at kilcargaa.

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