Thursday, 13th March, 2025

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IT Sligo now the national leader in online learning

Harry Keaney -
IT Sligo now the national leader in online learning

Over 1,600 students will graduate from IT Sligo over the next two days.

This shows an increase of 100 graduates on last year and is on target for the 2022 strategic plan to double graduations to 3,000.

The students have graduated in 93 courses over the three faculties of Science, Engineering and Design and Business and Social Science.

Brendan McCormack, President of IT Sligo, speaking at the graduations, says the IT is the national leader in online studying with figures growing by 50% over the last year


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.Mr McCormack said the day reflects IT Sligo's commitment to deliver local graduates to meet the demand of industry.

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Harry Keaney -