Thursday, 13th March, 2025

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Plans for Lough Talt treatment plant moves a step forward

Therese Madden -
Plans for Lough Talt treatment plant moves a step forward

Sligo County Council can now officially make a decision on a planning application submitted by Irish Water to upgrade the water treatment plant at Lough Talt in South Sligo.

Over 13,000 homes in the area have been under a boil water notice since January after cryptosporidium was detected in the water supply.

Due to the fact the Lough Talt area is in a Special Area of Conservation, strict conditions were imposed for upgrades needed to the plant to treat the water.

The Minister for Housing and Planning has now given the go ahead for the upgrading works under what's termed 'IROPI' or Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest.


MEP Marian Harkin who has worked on the IROPI process, says the hard work has finally paid off.

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Independent Cllr Marie Casserly says while Minister Eoghan Murphy had indicated last month that he would be giving the project the green-light it has now been made official.

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Therese Madden -