Wednesday, 12th March, 2025

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Local farm leader moves to ease BSE concerns

Harry Keaney -
Local farm leader moves to ease BSE concerns

A leading farm official in the north has moved to ease concerns for the Irish Beef Market following the discovery BSE in a fourteen year old cow.


As a result of the discovery the export of Irish beef to China has been temporarily suspended.



The Department of Agriculture said there are no public health risks associated with this case which was confirmed as atypical BSE in a lab last Friday. Aytpical cases of the disease often show up in older cows who were asymptomatic.



Brendan Barry is the Chairman of the Beef Plan Movement in Leitrim he says with the case being ‘atypical’ and it having occurred in a fallen animal, there should be no serious impact on the Irish beef market.



Harry Keaney -