Friday, 14th March, 2025

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Leitrim councillor warns of declining rural school numbers

Andrew Mooney -
Leitrim councillor warns of declining rural school numbers

A Leitrim councillor is warning that another area in County Leitrim could be facing a situation in the coming years of having to fight to retain teachers in its school.

A few years ago, an online 'KiltyLive' campaign succeeded in bringing new residents into Kiltyclogher, with the result the local school could retain its teachers and remain open.

But Fine Gael Councillor Sean McDermott is point out that this year, 14 pupils left the school in Glenfarne and only five came in.

He says those 14 were there because their parents were able to remain in the area and build houses there years ago.


Cllr McDermott says not all areas of County Leitrim are being hit by depopulation.

But he says if the issue was having the same impact in Dublin as it's having in some areas in Leitrim, the media would be all over it and it would be resolved.

Andrew Mooney -