Rent prices in Connacht/Ulster are now nearly 19% higher than a year ago, which is the strongest rate of increase since 2006.
According to the latest Rental Price Report, the ongoing and unprecedented scarcity of rental homes is driving prices.
In some parts of Connacht, rents rose by 20% in the 12 months to September.
The average rent in Sligo is now €929, up 79% from its lowest point.
Rents in Sligo were, on average, 18.3% higher in the third quarter of this year than a year earlier.
In Leitrim, average rent is now €742, up 80% from its lowest point while in Donegal it's €784, up 61%.
Rents in Leitrim were 21.6% higher in the third quarter of this year compared to a year previously.
In Donegal, rents were 19.7% higher.
Report author Ronan Lyons says the latest figures confirms the problems caused by housing shortages are getting worse.