Wednesday, 12th March, 2025

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Concern expressed in relation to the safety of the old train station in Ballisodare

John Lynch -
Concern expressed in relation to the safety of the old train station in Ballisodare

Serious concern has been raised over what's been described as safety hazards at the old train station in Ballisodare.


The railway station in Ballisodare has been closed since 1975 with claims that it is now in a state of extensive disrepair which poses a significant risk to anybody close to it.



Sligo Sinn Fein Cllr Thomas Healy says he has recently examined the site and there is ample evidence of both young children playing there and of large amounts of discarded beer cans.


Cllr Healy is calling on the Sligo County Council to secure the site as a matter of urgency:




John Lynch -