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Maureen O’Dowd of the Coleman Music Centre and Maeve McGowan of the Hawk’s Well fill us in on their Summer Progammes. We also look at the Sligo Jazz Project and we pay a small tribute to the late Séamus Tansey RIP,one of Ireland’s greatest ever flute players. All Podcasts can…

Director of Yeats Society Sligo, Susan O’Keeffe fills us in on the upcoming Yeats’ Summer School and we talk with Patrick Carayannis, founder of the Piseógs, a wonderful Ska band based in the North West ahead of its concert on August 6th at Manorhamilton Castle. All Podcasts can be found…

There’s been a big uptake in a new cabin baggage transfer corridor between Donegal Airport and Dublin Airport.   Since its introduction last month, hundreds of passengers have availed of the new service.   Introduced on 8th June, almost 700 passengers from Donegal have been enjoying seamless travel abroad via…

There were 39 people waiting for a bed at the two main north west hospital this morning.   Latest figures from the INMO show that there were 24 people waiting at Sligo University Hospital while a further 15 were waiting at Letterkenny.   Nationally, there were 434 people waiting at…

Further testing is due to be carried out on the water at Mullaghmore beach today after Sligo County Council issues a Prohibition Notice yesterday evening.   A sample taken on Monday of this week revealed that the beach was non-compliant with Bathing Water Regulations.   It is hoped that the…