Scammers claiming to be Gardai target south Donegal residents

Gardai in south Donegal have issued a warning over fraud emails following a recent rise in scam calls and emails.


Gardaí from the Ballyshannon District have received a number of reports in recent days in relation to scam calls and emails claiming to be from An Garda Síochána.


The caller was purporting to be calling in relation to suspected fraudulent activity and requested financial details.


The scam emails claimed to be ‘urgent’ and the person receiving them was requested to click on a link.


Gardai are reminding the public that they will never call you and request personal information (PPS number etc.) or financial details.


Should you receive a similar type of call, please hang up and do not divulge any personal details. We would never send an email marked as ‘urgent’ containing a link.

Gardai  would also like to remind the public of the following fraud prevention advice:

Don’t respond to any unsolicited email seeking personal or financial details. Never provide personal/ financial details via phone call/text/email.

Never click on a link or attachment in an unsolicited email.

Further fraud prevention advice may be found here:

If you have fallen victim to any type of scam, please alert Gardaí and your financial institution immediately.
