Gardaí in Donegal issue warning over bogus callers & rogue traders

Donegal Gardaí are urging people to be aware of bogus phone callers and rogue traders calling to their home.

Callers may offer services such as power washing, painting and selling goods.

The callers prefer to target the more vulnerable and people who live alone.

Gardai are asking the public not to engage with such callers.

Gardaí are advising the public to not open their door to anyone before they are confident that the caller is known or that they have a genuine reason to be there and to use a chain lock for added security.

These callers can be intimidating and often refuse to take no for an answer.

Gardaí are asking to contact them immediately should you encounter such a caller and try to give as much information as possible, description of person, registration number, direction of travel.
