Health watchdog finds issues of non-compliance at North West nursing homes

The Health watchdog has found issues of non-compliance at three nursing homes in the North West.


There were nine issues of non-compliance in one nursing home in Donegal according to the latest reports published by HIQA today.


The inspections took place in March and efforts have been made to address the shortcomings in the interim.


HIQA has published 48 inspection reports on residential centres for older people.


According to the latest report, three nursing homes in the North West were found to be in breach of a number of regulations. Two care centres in Donegal and one care centre in Sligo were among those found to have non-compliacnes with HIQA’s regulations.


In Donegal, Áras Gaoth Dobhair were in breach of up to nine regulations. Those included staffing, training and staff development, governance and management, fire precautions, health care, managing behaviour that is challenging, protection and resident’s rights.


St Eunan’s Nursing Home in Letterkenny was found to be in breach of four regulations, those being governance and management, premises, fire precautions and resident’s rights. Howev


In Sligo, the Nazareth House nursing home on Church Hill was in breach of regulations relating to staffing and resident’s rights. The report found that the inspector was not assured that the number and skill mix of staff available on the day of the inspection was able to meet the assessed social care needs of 70
residents given the layout of the centre.


In terms of resident’s rights, there was insufficient opportunities for residents to participate in activities in
accordance with their interests and capacities. Residents were observed across the four units of the centre watching television for long periods of the day without any other organised activity available for them to engage in.


All homes and care centres found to have a number of breaches were required to submit compliance plans to demonstrate how they will make improvements and comply with the regulations.
