Friday, 14th March, 2025

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New speed limits being considered by cabinet

John Lynch -
New speed limits being considered by cabinet


North West drivers could be looking a new speed limits being introduced throughout the region.


It's being reported this morning that Speed limits are to be cut in an effort to curb the recent increase in road deaths.



The move will affect national, arterial and local roads.


After a series of recent high profile road tragedies the Justice Minister has announced an extra 1.2 million euro in funding for roads policing, and hinted penalty points for speeding offences may be increased.



Now junior transport Minster Jack Chambers is preparing to present plans to cabinet for a major overhaul of speed limits.


According to the Irish Times it will see top speeds of 100 km’s on national secondary roads dropped to 80.


Local and rural roads will reduce from 80 to 60, arterial and radial routes in urban areas will be set at 50 km's an hour. while the speed limits in built up areas including housing estates will be cut to just 30km's an hour.


127 people have lost their lives on the nations’ roads so far this year, an increase of 24 on the same period last year.


1 in 5 of the deaths were among younger people between the ages of 6 and 20.


The figures come as Gardaí launch their ‘Back to School’ Road Safety Awareness Campaign and are using the opportunity to raise awareness around the increased number of schoolchildren who will be walking and cycling to schools


Gardaí are appealing to all parents who are driving to drop and collect their children not to park in areas that will block visibility along the road and not to drop children from a car while sitting in queuing in traffic.








John Lynch -