New policing powers to tackle stalking in Northern Ireland

New policing powers designed to tackle stalking in Northern Ireland will result in victims no longer have to apply to courts themselves for orders against perpetrators.

The stalking protection orders (SPOs), which came into effect on Thursday, will enable the Police Service of Northern Ireland to prosecute those in breach of an order at the outset of an investigation, before a stalking conviction takes place.

Previously victims had to make an application to the North’s courts and potentially face costly legal bills.

The PSNI can directly apply to the magistrates’ court for an SPO which prohibits a person from contacting the victim directly or indirectly.

Exclusions zones are also included in the legislation.

Sinn Féin MLA for Fermanagh South Tyrone, Jemma Dolan, says the changes will make it easier for victims to report such offences
