Thursday, 13th March, 2025

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Only one breach found across North West in latest HIQA report

John Lynch -
Only one breach found across North West in latest HIQA report

A number of designated care centres across the region have passed HIQA's latest inspections.

In total, only one breach was found in the latest report, which was published today.

The report included 13 care centres for people with disabilities from the North West.

The only care centre to have had a non-compliance was Juderobe in Sligo, which was in breach of premises regulations. The centre in question will now have to compile a report, detailing how they will comply with HIQA's regulations in future.


That was the only non-compliance across the region. Eight other centres in Sligo, namely Ard na Veigh, Beech Villa, Drumiskabole Lodge, Glenbow Services, Innisfree, Maryville Services, Oxview Services and Shalom all passed with flying colours.

There were also no non-compliances in Donegal, with Teach Innisfree, Teach Inishal and Teach Owey all found to be compliant with HIQA's criteria.

Only one inspection was carried out in Leitrim, with Loughtown House also found to be compliant with all regulations.

In total, the latest report included 32 inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities around the country.

John Lynch -