Friday, 14th March, 2025

Margaret Carr Flynn -

The main Drumboe Annual Easter Commemoration takes place on Easter Sunday, 31 March. Chris MacManus MEP will deliver the main oration at the monument on Main Street.    All welcome to attend. Please assemble at Johnson’s Corner, Stranorlar at 3pm.


St Patricks National School Drumshanbo, Parents Association  will hold a cash for clobber collection on April 6th  from 9.30 a.m. until 12 noon each day. No pillows or duvets will be accepted.   

The Annual Ecumenical Way of the Cross takes place on Good Friday 29th March. Led by Bishop Kevin Doran, with Christians of different denominations participating. The peace walk will depart from Calry Church of Ireland at 1.30pm passing through the streets of Sligo and silently carrying a large wooden cross, the various town churches will be visited. Please feel free to join us at any stage along the route.



St. John Bosco bingo this Thursday night 28th March ,  Jackpot is €1,700 on 52 calls or less.  Doors open at 8.30pm  ,  Eyes down at 9pm.  Complimentary Tea , Coffee and biscuits .  Raffle on the night 


Margaret Carr Flynn -