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The issue of depopulation in rural parishes was raised at the recent Leitrim County Council meeting.   This is amid concerns that there is a discouragement towards one-off housing being developed in the area.   There are fears that if the current trends continue, many towns and villages in the…

Ulster GAA have confirmed this afternoon that no tickets will be put on general sale for this year’s Ulster final between Donegal and Armagh. People who want to purchase tickets for the game will have to go through their clubs. The game will be live here on Ocean FM on…

Casual Tag Rugby begins again this summer. It will be taking place in Summerhill for eight weeks from May 30th. Anyone interested can register a team here:, and for more information, see

It’s been claimed that more childcare providers across Sligo and Leitrim are under threat of closure.   More than 130 providers nationwide have closed their doors for good since March last year.   The Federation of Early Childhood Providers have launched a new publication asking the Government to boost funding…

A new report supporting the development of a Sligo to Mayo rail link has the costs estimated at nearly half a billion euros – €411.72m (This amounts to €5.5m per kilometre of restored track).   The report examines the current situation, explains why it’s lagging, and proposes how it can…