Donegal Minister rejects Sinn Fein claims of failed DCB scheme

A Donegal Minister has rejected criticism of the government’s commitment to the Defective Concrete Block Scheme.


Accusations have been levelled at the government by some, stating that they are not serious about a 100% redress for affected homeowners.


Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, argues that they have delivered, as opposed to the “empty promises of Sinn Fein”.


Minister McConalogue says the government is “committed to fully funding the scheme and ensuring that funding is made available over the course of the year ahead for all homes undertaking remediation.


“Each week, we are seeing more homes get into construction, with a total of 46 now finished and 206 more are underway. The Government is fully committed to seeing this momentum built upon in the year ahead.


“A total of 811 homeowners have now received grant approval under the scheme, with almost two-thirds of these being for full demolition.”
