Wednesday, 12th March, 2025

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  • Donkey rescued in Donegal being looked after by local sanctuary

Donkey rescued in Donegal being looked after by local sanctuary

Ronan Flanagan -
Donkey rescued in Donegal being looked after by local sanctuary

A donkey was rescued in county Donegal after being left abandoned.

Donegal Donkey Sanctuary, based in Raphoe received an urgent call after the donkey was spotted on a very dangerous stretch of road.

The sanctuary says the section of road is notorious for bends and blind corners and has a very sharp drop down into a valley. It is a miracle that he (the donkey) was not hit which could have resulted in human fatality as well.

They conclude by saying while the donkey, named Willbur is in pretty good physical shape, his hooves are in need of care and were beginning to cause him severe discomfort.

Ronan Flanagan -