Friday, 14th March, 2025

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Priest's being put under pressure to say private masses

Harry Keaney -
Priest's being put under pressure to say private masses

The Bishop of the diocese of Elphin, Kevin Doran has hit out at some parishioners that are putting pressure on the priests of the diocese to celebrate private masses for them.


Bishop Doran says that while the vast majority of Parishioners are following the guidelines laid down by the Department of Health, there are some who are contacting priests and putting them under pressure to celebrate private masses.



Speaking earlier to Ocean FM News Bishop Doran says such demands are selfish and are putting both priests and members of the general public in danger.





Bishop Doran says the evolving situation is being monitored by bishops on a regular basis:



In relation to the celebration of funerals mass Bishop Doran outlined how in the dioceses they are confined to close family and friends at present.


Final clarification on funeral masses are also being sought in relation to the latest set of measures announced by the Taoiseach:










Harry Keaney -