Euro Elections: Data shows Mullooly & Ming Flanagan set to win seats

New polling data claims that former RTÉ News correspondent Ciarán Mullooly and left-wing Independent MEP Luke Ming Flanagan are proving to be top contenders in the Midlands North West constituency for the upcoming European Elections.


Private polling data, confirmed by the Irish Independent, shows Independent and smaller party candidates firmly in contention for up to six seats in the elections.


According to the data, both Mullooly and Ming Flanagan are in position to win seats while Aontú TD Peadar Tóibín is also firmly in the race.


The polling was undertaken in the last 10 days with a sample size of about 1,400 and a full slate of candidates.


Sinn Féin will also take a seat, with sitting MEP Chris MacManus polling slightly better than Westminster MP Michelle Gildernew. However, the party will be in contention for a second seat if its support solidifies.
Fianna Fáil’s tactic of running three candidates is to have backfired.


Cowen is polling way ahead of Lisa Chambers and Niall Blaney. But according to the data, there is a danger the party’s vote is being split too much, which could lead to Mr Cowen getting overtaken.
