Concern over Physiotherapy Department at LUH

The level of service being provided at the Physiotherapy Department at Letterkenny University Hospital is said to fall far short of what’s required.


Currently, the department is said to be only operating with only 40% of the staff required.


The information was disclosed by the HSE via a letter to GPs last week, which has led to an expectation that the service won’t be fully restored until next summer.


Cllr Declan Meehan says the situation will effectively leave patients across Donegal at a huge disadvantage:



In response, the HSE wish to advise that the Letterkenny Community Physiotherapy Department continues to operate below capacity. The HSE continue to prioritise referrals based on clinical need. GP colleagues have been advised of the current situation which will result in increased wait times to access services.

Backfill of vacancies will continue within the Pay & Number’s Strategy issued earlier this year. At this time work is ongoing in relation to the prioritisation of recruitment in order to respond to the needs of the population.

The HSE continues to provide a high quality service and apologises for any disruption to service and increased wait times for clients and GP’s.
