A net total of over 300 new full and part-time jobs were created last year by almost 530 small businesses in Sligo, Donegal and Leitrim that have been supported by the Local Enterprises Offices.
That's according to the results of the latest LEO annual jobs survey published this week by the Department of Jobs.
Donegal created the most net jobs in the north west region at 226 compared to 39 in Leitrim and 39 in Sligo.
The 31 LEOs provide a ‘first stop shop’ for supports and signposting to start-ups, micro enterprises and small businesses nationwide in one easily accessible place.
The results, compiled by Enterprise Ireland, show that overall in 2015 a total of 7,122 new full and part time jobs were created in gross terms.
The numbers employed in LEO supported small businesses currently stand at 32,592 overall.
Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Mary Mitchell O'Connor says that these figures show the potential for job creation in all region.
The LEOs formerly the Enterprise Boards were set up as part of local government reform in 2014 and the offices are now based in the local authorities.