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A Letterkenny woman has been elected as the new chairperson of the Donegal Education and Training Board for the year ahead. Regina Grant was appointed to the position at the ETB’s AGM in Donegal yesterday,…

A Garda operation is taking place until Halloween targeting the importation of fireworks across the border from Northern Ireland. Sligo/Leitrim Crime Prevention Officer Jim Fox points out that possession, use and sale of fireworks is…

A change in the location of Sligo’s local authorities’ housing offices has resulted in a lack of privacy for people to discuss their business, it’s been claimed. There had been two housing offices, one in…

The new Killybegs Harbour Business brochure will be launched in the Bayview Hotel at 7 o’clock tonight. The brochure showcases Killybegs as a modern, vibrant and forward looking harbour location off the north west coast.…