Training continued on Monday night as normal.
Next Round of the League V Curry in Bunninadden on Easter Monday. Please come along and support the lads if possible.
The Ballinalack community park Annual General Meeting took place on of 2nd March 2018
Present were Dermot Gormanly, Maura Kerins, Brendan Gallagher, Wilfrid Brennan, Don Coen, David Killoran, Joe Scanlon, Sean Cunningham, Gerry Perry and John O’Flaherty. New people are always required to keep our fantastic facility running and we are seeking new volunteers to get involved young or old.
Please contact any member of the committee if you can give some time to help us keep out community park running.
It was agreed that the number of directors be reduced to 9. Maura Kerins and Joe Scanlon were stepping down as directors.
The following appointments were made:
Chairman – Gerry Perry.
Secretary – John O'Flaherty
Treasurer – David Killoran
PRO - Dermot Gormanly
A suggested that a meeting be held with a view to putting in place a financial plan for the maintenance of the facility. It is an aim of the committee to ensure that the park is self- financing . Representatives of the Montessori, the GAA and to be invited to this meeting to discuss ways of achieving this target.
Le meas,
Bunninadden GAA