Our seniors were defeated by Naomh Conaill 0-06 to 0-03 in Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta on Saturday a last minute penalty save denied us a levelling goal our reserves host Gaoth Dobhair this Saturday at 2pm in their rearranged Comórtas match. The county leagues restart on Friday week with matches away to Naomh Conaill throw ins4:45 and 6:15pm
TV’s Greatest Gameshows Fundraiser
We had a brilliant night in the Blue Haven at our TVs Greatest Gameshows Fundraiser on Sunday night thanks to all who attended, to our brilliant contestants, hosts, guest stars and to anyone who helped out in any way that made this a truly memorable event and thanks to the Blue Haven for the great job in hosting this. We would like to thank also our sponsors: McGinley Motors, Curran Travel, Edge Clothing, All Sports, KER Killybegs, Atomic Hair, Mooney Boats, Manus Brady and Co, Abbey Hotel, Shopa Mhici Gweedore, Declan Gallagher RTE, Dohertys XL Shop Carrick, Kieran McShane Sports Nets, Swan Net Gundry and The Blue Haven.
2018 Club Memberships
Club Membership is now due. Prices: Adults €20, Students: €10, Adult Players: €30, Student Players: €20, Family: €40 (Two adults & children Under 18) and Child: €10 contact Fiona McGinley to renew your membership or join up. You can also download membership forms and pay your membership via our website. Please note that if you or your child wishes to train & play football this year they need to be registered.
Our Under 16s had a good win at home to Bundoran in the league on Monday they host Killybegs on Sunday in their third match of the season.
Club Gear
We have club gear on sale in Áislann Chill Chartha with adult and kid’s club home jerseys, half zip tops, polo shirts, bobble hats, jackets, hoodies, stickers, shorts, DVDs we also will have flags, bunting and other merchandise on sale also available are the 2017 county final and homecoming DVDs.
FREE Mobile CLG Chill Chartha Club App
We have 249 members on our FREE mobile app if you would like to sign up just follow these steps to download your free team App for CLG Chill Chartha. 1. On your phone or iPad go to the app store 2. Search for Team App 3. Install Team App to your phone 4. Search for CLG Chill Chartha 5. Log in and register for the CLG Chill Chartha Club app. 6. You will receive an email notification when you are added you to the system.
Club Lotto
There was no winner of the Club Lotto Jackpot so next week’s Jackpot is €6,400 this week’s numbers were 8, 19, 20 and 30 this week’s winners were: €50 Martin Curran, Castlecarn €30 Bridie Molloy, Killybegs €20 Kathleen Keeney, Glen and Mairead Aiken, Main Street, Carrick.
Bingo Jackpot still at €10,000
There was no winner of the Jackpot so it’s still €10,000 on 45 numbers; Club Bingo is on in The Parish Hall on Sunday nights at 8:30pm so please support to be in with a chance of winning the Jackpot and thanks to all who continue to support our Bingo! This week’s winners were: €120 Marie Cunningham €80 Marie Boyle €75 Pamela Bonner, Paddy Cassidy €70 Margaret McGuinness, Aisling Kennedy, Joe Haughey, Gerard Kane, Margaret Doherty and Brendan Keeney.
For the latest news visit our website www.clgchillchartha.com you can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter at facebook.com/CillCharthaGAA and @KilcarGAA you can also follow us on Instagram at kilcargaa.