February Club Meeting Wed Feb.7th
The Feb Club meeting will be held in The Meeting Room, Stenson Park, Cuilbeg on Wed night starting at 9.15pm, after the Bord nOG meeting. All club members are requested to attend.
Club Player Registration From Under 6 to Senior
On Sat next Feb 10th from 4.00 to 6.00 in Stenson Park, Cuilbeg, Carraroe registration for all club players will take place. Registration with our club includes
- All training sessions and games
- Indoor Program for 6 weeks for Girls U6 to U 14 and Boys U6 to U10
- One club Lotto ticket for each draw. The Jackpot is E12,000 at present
- Safe and secure environment for coaching sessions
- Gain new friends and increase a child’s confidence
- And most important of all have LOADS of fun and enjoyment
Cost E120 per family no matter how many are playing.
The club boundaries are the parishes of St Annes and Carraroe
For further details please contact Feral Kelly on 0876760277.
Operation Transformation
The Operation Transformation program begun on Jan 8th with big numbers involved and all participants enjoyed the various activities. There is still some places available and if you still want to take part please contact 0852498067 to register. The program includes talks on nutrition, mindfulness, motivation and health as well as indoor fitness / pilates / yoga / bootcamp and fitness walks and it is a great opportunity to get back in shape after the excesses of the Christmas period. It is also a great way of getting out and meeting people.
Girls Football –
Girls born in 2004 or 2005 – Your club needs you
St Johns GAA is going from strength to strength. Following on from the U12 Girls win in 2017 we hope to field an U14 team this year. To do this we need more numbers. So if you would like to try out gaelic football for the first time, have played before but aren’t part of a team, or play with a different team and would like to return to your parish team, please contact Liam 086 2342302, Gerard 086 3774224 or Olivia 087 7782233. This could be the best call you ever make for your daughter socially, physically and emotionally. Imagine watching her proudly with a football in her hand instead of a mobile phone !
Club Mass Sunday Feb 18th
The annual club mass in memory of the deceased members and friends of St John’s GAA Club will be held in St John’s Church, Carraroe at 9.30am on Sunday Feb 18th
Saturday 10th February 2018.
4-6pm in the Clubhouse, Stenson Park, Cuilbeg, Carraroe, Sligo.
At Carraroe church take the Ballintogher road, after about 1/2 mile you'll see a sign on right hand side of the road "St John's GAA". Our clubhouse is at the top of this road.