Sligo-Strandhill Electoral Area - Count Analysis - Local Elections 2024

Quota 1188 Total Valid Poll 8315 Seats 6
Candidate Party Share Count 1 Count 2
(Distribution of Bree's Surplus)
Count 3
(Distribution of McSharry's surplus)
Count 4
(Distribution of MacConville and Lawlors votes)
Count 5
(Distribution of Nealon's Surplus)
Count 6
(Distribution of Kelly's votes)
Count 7
(Distribution of Gogan's votes)
Count 8 (Distribution of Monaghan's votes) Count 9
(Distribution of Donnelly's votes)
Count 10 Status
Declan Bree IND 18.5% 1537             0   0   0   0   0   0   Elected
Tom McSharry FF 16.5% 1374             0   0   0   0   0   0   Elected
Fergal Nealon FG 13.9% 1158 1197 (39)         0   0   0   0   0   0   Elected
Nessa Cosgrove Lab 10.1% 841 902 (61) 932 (30) 951 (19) 954 (3) 960 (6) 1084 (124) 1116 (32) 1146 (30) 1310 (164) Elected
Arthur Gibbons SF 8.9% 741 790 (49) 804 (14) 811 (7) 812 (1) 822 (10) 830 (8) 856 (26) 1094 (238) 1145 (51) Elected
Gino O'Boyle PBP 8.9% 737 815 (78) 848 (33) 863 (15) 864 (1) 902 (38) 931 (29) 968 (37) 1025 (57) 1103 (78) Elected
Finbar Filan IND 4.9% 406 445 (39) 471 (26) 506 (35) 508 (2) 538 (30) 554 (16) 623 (69) 642 (19) 776 (134)  
Seamus Kilgannon FF 5.5% 458 479 (21) 536 (57) 558 (22) 559 (1) 568 (9) 590 (22) 617 (27) 626 (9) 0   Eliminated
Pauline Donnelly SF 3.9% 323 346 (23) 350 (4) 353 (3) 353 (0) 364 (11) 370 (6) 379 (9) 0   0   Eliminated
Graham Monaghan Aontu 2.2% 186 193 (7) 200 (7) 216 (16) 217 (1) 260 (43) 264 (4) 0   0   0   Eliminated
Johnny Gogan Green 2.6% 213 227 (14) 232 (5) 243 (11) 243 (0) 249 (6) 0   0   0   0   Eliminated
Michael Kelly IP 2.2% 182 189 (7) 194 (5) 211 (17) 211 (0) 0   0   0   0   0   Eliminated
Jim Lawlor IND 1.5% 127 136 (9) 141 (5) 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   Eliminated
Diarmuid MacConville IND 0.4% 32 34 (2) 34 (0) 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   Eliminated
Party Share  
Party 2019 2024 Change Votes
FF 24.1% 22.0% -2.1% 1832
FG 21.6% 13.9% -7.6% 1158
SF 11.2% 12.8% 1.6% 1064
Lab 5.5% 10.1% 4.6% 841
PDP 10.6% 8.9% -1.7% 737
Others 27.0% 32.3% 5.3% 2683