Age Action has launched a COVID-19 Hardship Fund in conjunction with the Irish Red Cross to respond to the immediate needs of older people in vulnerable situations across Ireland experiencing additional hardship as a result of the COVID-19 health crisis.
This scheme is designed to provide immediate practical relief to assist in alleviating the hardships they experience due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Councillor Marie Casserly outlined how it works to Ocean FM news:
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Who Can Apply?
Older people in need of assistance, family members supporting an older person and carers of older people, social workers and local voluntary organisations or community groups providing direct assistance to individuals within this target group.
How Do I Apply:
The COVID-19 Hardship Fund Application Form is available here or you can contact our offices to request a form by contacting us
Email: [email protected]
Telephone numbers; Irish Red Cross at 01 6424600 or Age Action at 01 475 6989.