Wednesday, 19th March, 2025

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As flu hits the north west, advice is to first contact your GP

Harry Keaney -
As flu hits the north west, advice is to first contact your GP

With more people complaining of the flu at the same time as hospital overcrowding is at its worst, a number of hospitals, including Letterkenny University Hospital, have banned visiting.

However, all hospitals, including Sligo University Hospital, are urging people not to visit their emergency departments unless they feel it's absolutely necessary.

The medical advice is that people who think they have the flu to first contact their GP.

Meanwhile, surgery has been cancelled at some hospitals due to the high numbers presenting with the flu virus.


Dr Anthony Breslin is the HSE's director of public health.

Dr Breslin thinks the prevalence of the flu in Northern Ireland may be having an impact in the north west.


He also says that among those admitted to hospital, a significant number have not had the flu vaccine.

He says admissions have included pregnant women and young children.

However, a noticeable aspect of the flu season is that despite intense promoting of the flu vaccine earlier in the year, it seems more people are getting the flu.

But Dr Breslin says people who be getting the vaccine are not getting it.

Meanwhile, a Sligo-based consultant in emergency medicine is warning that trolley figures could go above 800 for the first time.

Fergal Hickey is consultant in emergency medicine in Sligo University Hospital.

He says the solution to the ongoing trolley crisis is enough beds -- but despite all the debate, these are not being provided.

Harry Keaney -