Monday, 24th February, 2025

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Committee defend threats to cancel Dromahair parade cancel if Yes campaign set up

Claire Mulcahy -
Committee defend threats to cancel Dromahair parade cancel if Yes campaign set up

The organising committee of the St. Patrick's Day parade in Dromahair in county Leitrim have responded to claims that they threatened to cancel the parade on Saturday because Yes campaigners wanted to set up an information stand.

The Yes side's Abortion Rights Campaign issued on open letter on facebook over the weekend saying they were shocked at the threatened impact on the parade and as a result chose not to attend and to proceed with their stand.

In a statement to Ocean FM News the organising committee of the parade state they cannot be seen to endorse either side in the referendum campaign.

The committe states its 'position and response' would have been the same if the No campaign had indicated their intention to set up a stand in the same way.

Claire Mulcahy -