Monday, 10th March, 2025

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Complaint made to Garda over alleged postal vote fraud in Sligo

Harry Keaney -
Complaint made to Garda over alleged postal vote fraud in Sligo

Fine Gael has made a complaint to gardai over alleged postal vote fraud in County Sligo, according to media reports.


It's believed the allegations centres on the distribution of disabled postal votes and the eligibilty of some of those on the disabled voting register.



People on this register may vote by post if they are unable to go to a polling station due to illness or disability.


The Sunday Times reported yesterday that gardai confirmed it had received the complaint.



It added that one person on the register who is based overseas told the newspaper they were unaware they had been given a disabled postal vote.


No one from Fine Gael has so far been available to comment, while a statement to Ocean FM News on the matter is expected soon from Sligo County Council.

Harry Keaney -