Friday, 14th March, 2025

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Council seeking further information on Lough Talt water plant application

Harry Keaney -
Council seeking further information on Lough Talt water plant application

Sligo County Council is seeking further information on a planning application from Irish Water for proposed essential works on the Lough Talt Water Treatment Plant in South Sligo.

Users of the supply are on a Boil Water Notice for almost the past six months.

Irish Water lodged a planning application on the 28th May last with Sligo County Council to enable it do essential, emergency upgrade works at the Lough Talt Water Treatment Plant.

The council now wants more information from Irish Water before it makes a decision on the application.


The Lough Talt plant is on the EPA's remedial action list for both cryptosporidium and trihalomethanes.

The HSE says there is inconclusive evidence that trihalomethanes, also called THMs, are associated with cancer and reproductive issues.

The work planned by Irish Water would result in an effective barrier to cryptosporidium and would help prevent the formation of THMs.

However, Irish Water says the long-term solution is an alternative water source to supply Tubbercurry and surrounding areas.


Therefore, it's envisaged the works for which planning is now sought would be in place for up to 10 years.

In 2015, Irish Water was refused planning permission by the council and An Bord Pleanala for a new water treatment plant in the area, which is designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) due to sensitive species on the lake foreshore - including the Arctic Charr fish, a rare snail and the Oak Fern plant.

In the meantime, as Irish Water prepares its response to the council, the Boil Water Notice continues.

Harry Keaney -