It's the second day of the annual Sport Ireland Yeats Tour of Sligo Cycle with three major tours taking place and motorist are asked to be aware and take care.
The cycle began in 2009 has grown to become a very popular event each year. There are three cycles taking place today. The 60km Lough Gill Circuit begins at 10:30am , The 100km Innisfree Tour began within the last few minutes while the 160km Ox Mountain Challenge began at 9am this morning and provides the biggest challenge. All begin at the Knocknarea Arena in ITSligo.
Over 1,500 cyclists are taking part in the cycles today taking them on a scenic route of the county. Water and food breaks are designated along the route.
Motorists are asked to be aware of the cyclists as they are on public roads. The tours are expected to be finishing at IT Sligo at 5.30pm this evening.