Thursday, 13th March, 2025

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Donegal County Council issue warning over disposal of waste cooking oil

Catherine Gaffney -
Donegal County Council issue warning over disposal of waste cooking oil

Donegal County Council has issued a warning to local businesses over the disposal of waste cooking oil.


It’s in the wake of a number of reports locally where used cooking oil has been poured down drains or over bridges into rivers.



Donegal County Council is reminding commercial food-serving establishments, particularly takeaways and small restaurants, that waste cooking oil must be stored securely and collected by a permitted waste contractor.


To dispose of cooking oil as a business, it must first be stored in a secure container, with a lid, be leak-free, and secure so no oil will spill out. The type of container used depends on how much waste cooking oil the business produces.



Some businesses have a designated storage tank, while others use waste buckets, drums or barrels.


Routine collection of used cooking oil by a permitted waste contractor should be organised to ensure the business meets its duty of care responsibilities, covered by the Environmental legislation.


The permitted waste contractor will then transport the used cooking oil to an appropriate facility for recycling or disposal. Donegal County Council may carry out inspections of food serving businesses across the county, where these records may be checked.


A number of incidents have been reported to Donegal County Council and Uisce Eireann where used cooking oil has been poured down drains, over bridges into rivers, or into sewers causing blockages, overflows & costly removal.


The identity of any business or individual found to be engaging in this activity should be brought to the attention of the Council so that enforcement action including prosecution may be taken.

Catherine Gaffney -