A Donegal TD is accusing the Public Expenditure Minister of deliberately misleading the public on housing figures.
Sinn Fein says Jack Chambers knew the figures were down in the days leading up to the General Election.
Jack Chambers was the Finance Minister before the General Election last November.
In the days leading up to it - the party’s claiming he knew the Government’s housing projections were completely off.
Deputy Pearse Doherty says he’s obtained figures from the Department of Finance under the Freedom of Information Act, showing Jack Chambers knew the figures were going to be lower than the previous year.
Pearse Doherty is now accusing Minister Chambers of making a conscious decision to mislead the public.
In the end last year’s housing figures were just over 30 thousand – which was 10 thousand off what the Government said it would be.
The Coalition has repeatedly insisted its projections were given in good faith but Sinn Fein says its revelation proves otherwise and is asking Jack Chambers to explain himself.