County councils and local authorities are not being given sufficient power to oversee spending on large scale investments in their own areas, according a Donegal TD.
Deputy Thomas Pringle says it is 'shocking' that Donegal County Council were not consulted in relation to the Government's review of the national Capital Plan which is due to be published in September.
The Capital Plan sets out a six year time frame for infrastructural investment of €42 billion in Ireland to 2021.
Deputy Pringle raised the issue in the Dáil after the publication of Donegal County Council’s ‘Infrastructure Development and Supporting Funding Requirements’ report. It found a series of significant investment requirements for projects across the county.
These included roads, social housing, transport, broadband, electricity and sewage.
Deputy Pringle has hit out at the public expenditure Minister Pascal Donohue for not including Donegal County Council and other local authorities in the consultation process.
Minister Donohue says that local authorities were not involved in the consultation process because they are not allocated funding directly from the Department of Public Expenditure.
But Deputy Pringle said this was "wrong"
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