Saturday, 15th March, 2025

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Driver in Sligo reprimanded for videoing crash scene

Catherine Gaffney -
Driver in Sligo reprimanded for videoing crash scene

A driver in Sligo has been reprimanded for videoing the scene of a crash.


Gardai were dealing with a collision on a dangerous junction on the N15, just outside the town, when the incident occurred.



Gardai noticed a driver passing by holding his mobile phone recording the incident.


He was subsequently stopped and Gardai say that a Fixed Charge Notice has been issued.



In a statement, Gardai say that they have noticed that people have started to video serious and dangerous and often tragic incidents. A lot of the time they will do so while driving.


They say that lives are being put at risk by the increasing tendency of people to video incidents on their phones for social media posting.


Members of the public are been urged to "dial not film" when they spot a fire, a traffic accident or any other serious incident.



Catherine Gaffney -