It’s been confirmed that the asylum seekers due to move into Benbulben Court in Sligo will comprise of families.
They are set to arrive in the coming days.
In a statement, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has indicated that 415 beds will be provided at the apartment complex.
The contract with this centre has been signed for a period of two years.
The accommodation will be for families of international protection applicants.
The property in Sligo town was submitted to the Department via a Request for Tender competition in October 2022.
It was evaluated and deemed to meet or exceed all of the qualifying criteria.
The Government has stipulated a 12-month period after which buildings have ceased provision of student accommodation during which they will not be contracted for the purpose of providing accommodation to people applying for international protection.
This property has been vacant of students for over 12 months, since May 2023.
There have been over 230 accommodation locations used since January 2022 across 26 counties.