Sunday, 23rd February, 2025

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Filan unhappy with IBAL report highlighting Hospital grounds

John Lynch -
Filan unhappy with IBAL report highlighting Hospital grounds

The Chairman of the Sligo Towns committee is urging residents of Sligo and those visiting the town to be more aware of the damage that litter causes.


Finbarr Filan was reacting to the first post-lockdown survey by ‘Irish Business Against Litter’ which confirmed that Sligo had lost its ‘Clean status’ and had fallen to 28th position in the ranking of 40 areas nationwide.



The An Taisce report for Sligo stated three heavily littered sites resulted in Sligo losing its Clean status.


The report claimed the most heavily littered site surveyed in Sligo was the University Hospital grounds.



Speaking earlier to OceanFM new Finbarr Filan admitted that it was disappointing that Sligo had lost the much-coveted ‘clean status’  He has also expressed his disappointment that the Hospital grounds were signaled out at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic was impacting all health facilities.

Shane Filan says there were a number of positives included in the report and that it was up to everyone to make sure that any problem areas were worked on as soon as possible.

John Lynch -